Mini Crêpe

Crêpes Recipe:

3/4 cup all-purpose flour

2 large eggs

1/2 tbsp granulated sugar

dash of salt

3/4 cup whole milk

1/4 cup cold water

1 tbsp avocado oil or neutral based oil

1 tbsp unsalted butter, melted

1 tsp vanilla bean paste

Toppings: Hazelnut Chocolate spread, sliced strawberries, sliced banana, nuts, powdered sugar.


  1. In a bowl, add flour, eggs, sugar, salt, and mix. Then slowly add the milk.

  2. Use the water in the recipe to determine how thing you want the batter. It should be runny. Add 1/4 cup of water or up to 1/2 cup of water.

  3. Then add the oil, melted butter, and vanilla bean paste to the bowl and mix well.

  4. Heat a skillet or crepe pan and grease with some butter. Add about 1/4 cup of the batter and swirl it around to cover the pan. The size of the pan with determine how big your crepe turns out.

  5. Cook until you see the edges turn brown then flip on the other side for 1 minutes.

  6. Once the crepes are done. Add your toppings, fold the crepe, top with sugar or cream and enjoy!


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